Friday, July 30, 2010

collage glue and clayboard

I worked on this while Bella was having an ice cream pj party on her last day of summer school. It's 20x16" on Ampersand deep cradled clayboard.

I cleaned my basement yesterday and found much better glue. In case you want to try it, it's PVA Jade adhesive from Museum Services Corp. in South St. Paul, Minnesota. Caitlin recommended it to me a few years ago. It's awesome, spreads thinly and evenly, super sticky, and ph neutral.

Check out Catilin's STUNNING work @!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


This collage (30" x 22") is in process, so you'll probably see it again. I've avoided working this large in collage for a long time. Partly because the imagery become more diffuse. With a tighter frame, the impact seems more severe, direct, and compelling. And, pulling images straight from books and magazines (no bigger than 10x14") seems to work best (in terms of scale) with a 12x18" format max, but I decided on bigger.

I loved, loved making this collage, but it's bothersome to me that there isn't a focal point, really, besides the orange. What this still needs a bigger shape &/or variation in sizes, and some place for my eyes to stop...maybe I've been brainwashed by design classes. I'll probably create my own (bigger) images, probably drawn in pencil, and layer them into the piece.

The thing I did differently w/ this collage was slap down a whole pages of a magazines, slathered w/ glue, and paint out the negative space. It's more chaotic and (more)cathartic than some of my other unplanned but more structured collages.

Usually, my collages seem to have a personal secret of trauma in them, that I'm trying to say out loud. This collage feels more like global trauma. Even so! it makes me happy.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hands and Stitches

It Began, Humming Boy, Hands and Stitches
photo montage, acrylic, and pencil on Arches paper
Kris Brown

Sunday, December 13, 2009

the collages, the Padre, & kitchen mice

Hello and thanks for visiting my art blog!
Here's my latest in art and life.

I saw a mouse in our apt, so I set live traps a few weeks ago. They haven't worked, but did I catch, ZIP my first mouse (eating snacks in my backpack) last night about midnight. Then I saw a mouse's tail sticking out of my stove top while I was eating nachos. Maybe it's the mice, or the move, or whatever, but the art has taken a solid turn into recurring themes of innocence, vulnerability, and trauma.

I started this collage painting in San Fran while staying with my sweet sis and her family last October. The bloody thing Mary rides is a placenta...I've gotten a lot of flack for planting mine, so laugh that my sis planned to eat hers. Lots of my art has the appearance of underwaterness. I don't plan it that way, but I think lots of what happens on the pages comes from the subconscious, so the water makes sense...and I use a lot of fish in my collages, just because.

According to Jung, fish, being cold blooded and primitive creatures, may symbolize a deep level of unconsciousness...and 'Fishes and snakes are favorite symbols for describing psychic happenings or experiences that suddenly dart out of the unconscious and have a frightening or redeeming effect' (Jung).

The random words are from magazines and a prayer card:
1. I will grant peace to their families
Stealing under water
unveiling each of these
if a snake had bitten her
three times through
reached out and touched her
her eyes were so clear
when and often alone

I made this collage at C's kitchen table on an art group night.

This collage is made from 1950s magazine images of rock formations, a jellyfish, a baby, a woman, pottery, bloody seal carcass, etc...I found that using gray in these collages works well, since several of the images are in b/w (grayscale). I've also noticed that I try to create scrappy rough textures, because the magazine images are flat and shiny and less interesting to me. For this one, I collaged and painted the whole thing and then put it in the sink and scrubbed off most of the paint and some of the images.

Recurring motifs: mary, fish, child, baby, fish hook, underwater...This one works less because the magazine image is of a painting, and worse yet, a masterpiece. it's just lovely and way too distracting. Besides that, one of the things I like best about photo montage is the clash of the real and the unreal, the tension held in the juxtaposition of sharp static focus and blurring shifting paint, and it feels more true and like life, or at least how life feels to me.

I woke up on Christmas Eve morning thinking about a dream I had about making art. I couldn't remember it, except for the good feeling I had in the dream, that I can't remember now at all. I got up and made this collage at my kitchen Dad shuffled in and I asked if he wanted to make a collage. I went to his figure study classes when I was little. He had a stroke last year. I told him Rauschenberg's art reminded me of him and how his fixing america book ideas could be worked out visually. I told him he could plan an exhibit, or we could do a show together about his stroke. Then he thanked me and read the paper. I'll keep you posted.

all for now, friends...I wish you a very happy new year!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My New Art Blog

Dear People!

On my/our friend Camille's advice, of four months ago,
I'm posting the art I've been making. These are from this summer, and I'll be posting more soon.

When I click on the images to enlarge them, they're gigantic. I might need to reduce the size of my original files. I'll look into that...

thanks for looking : )

Cry Baby

Skirted Girl

I made this collage @ Jules' Coffee House in LaCrosse. It was a creative exercise from The Artist's Way (Julia Cameron) called Past, Present, Future.

The two girls remind me of me and my sister Michelle.

My Dad bought me a kilt from Lancer at the mall for my 17th birthday. It was a size 10, and I wore a 5, but I kept the 10 (maybe my mom's size at the time) and pinned it.


I was trying to make something happy in the Bodega, a very cool bar in LaCrosse. As I've mentioned, I highly recommended bar artmaking!

The Red Sea

This is made from random 1940s magazine words and pictures, and acrylic paint.

I crawled out of the water
imposed by a single lungful of air
the air to the diver's mouth
on the lung in such a way
yet always I rebelled against
the limitations of the middle depths
the diver's depth
I took our problem to the Red Sea

Mimi's Doll

I'm working on some collage paintings that incorporate her, my Dad's Mother's doll..she wasn't SUPER creepy until I flipped her over and accidentally knocked her eyes into her head.